➡️ São 3 sequências interdisciplinares totalizando 40 exercícios:

🦆 O Patinho Feio
🏀 Esportes - Especial Olimpíadas
🚗 De Olho no Trânsito

Cada sequência acompanha um super vídeo e uma apostila com dicas e recomendações de vídeos e livros com PDF!!

🎁 Esse mês temos brindes relacionados a FÉRIAS!!

💰 Apenas R$69,90!!!


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[Profs Mat:9067] Fwd: Divulgação - Live Prof. Marcelo Borba

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Fernanda Martins da Silva <>
Date: ter., 15 de jun. de 2021 às 16:15
Subject: Divulgação - Live Prof. Marcelo Borba
To: <>
Cc: Marcelo de Carvalho Borba <>

Boa tarde, pessoal.
Divulgando live que o professor Marcelo Borba vai participar sobre Educação Matemática e a Ideologia da Certeza e que vai acontecer no canal do YouTube Matemática Humanista na quinta-feira (17.06) às 16h.



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[Profs Mat:9069] Fwd: UPDATE: ICME-14 FROM WEBSITE

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De: Becker, Jerry P <>
Date: ter., 8 de jun. de 2021 às 18:37
To: <>



Announcement on Registration Deadline

To better arrange the congress and adapt to the hybrid mode, the LOC has decided to set June 20th, 2021 (Beijing Time) to be the last day for registration and payment. From then on, no registration and payment could be made, and no participation mode shall be changed. Attending code will be gradually issued afterwards for the participants whose payment has been received. Please get prepared in advance. Thank you very much for cooperation.

Announcement on Visa Application and Quarantine Policy

As the congress is approaching, some participants have started to plan the trip to Shanghai. We have received some questions about visa application and quarantine. Here is the most updated information that might be useful to the preparation. 

As for the visa application, it depends on the Chinese Embassy/Consulate in your country whether issuing a visa to individual to enter China. Unfortunately, LOC does not have any special channels to interfere or speed up visa applications. 

Based on the current situation of the pandemic, the most updated prevention and control measure of Shanghai is as follows: Starting from May 17th, 2021, all international travelers entering Shanghai need to undertake a 14-day quarantine upon arrival plus a 7-day health monitoring within the community. Due to the change of the pandemic, the prevention and control measure might be changed accordingly. If there are any updates, we will announcement it on the official website as soon as possible. 

The cost of accommodation during the quarantine and health monitoring will be borne by the participants, no matter if received solidarity fund or not. 

Announcement on Final Approach to the 

14th International Congress on Mathematical Education

The announcement on final approach to ICME-14 is released on February 26th, 2021 and updated on Apirl 21st, 2021. The announcement includes important information and executive guidance in the following aspects. 

  1. Timetable   

  2. Registration Fee

  3. Switching of Attendance Mode after Completing the Payment

  4. Invitation Letter

  5. General Announcement

  6. Forms of Different Activities

  7. Pre-recorded Videos (Video Recording Requirements and Guidelines

  8. Video Sharing

  9. Solidarity Fund

  10. Requirements and Deadlines


Please click the button below to download the latest PDF file and read it carefully.

Links to old announcements:

New scheme of registration fees (Dec. 8, 2020)

Public Announcement on Hybrid Mode for ICME-14 (Nov. 6, 2020)

ICME-14 memorandum (Jun. 19, 2020)

Postpone announcement (Mar. 31, 2020)

Address of Welcome


As the Congress chair of ICME-14, I cordially invite you to participate in the Congress to be held in Shanghai from July 12th to 19th, 2020.


As an ancient country with a 5,000-year history of civilization, China boasts a brilliant tradition of mathematics and mathematics education. In recent 100 years, the introduction of western mathematics and mathematics education and their integration with traditional Chinese culture and education have fostered new achievements in mathematics education of modern China. Shanghai, a well-known metropolis in the Far East, is a powerful engine for the economic and social development of China and a window of China's opening-up policy. In addition, it is also the cradle of modern Chinese mathematics and mathematics education and the birthplace of the Chinese Mathematical Society. East China Normal University is one of the top universities in China and takes the lead in the development of teacher education in China. The mathematics education team of ECNU has a great influence both at home and abroad. Taking consideration of all these facts, I believe that the ICME-14 hosted in Shanghai will be a grand academic Congress and a great surprise for the colleagues around the world.


I am very much looking forward to seeing you at ICME-14 in Shanghai. I am sure your participation will contribute greatly to the success of the ICME-14.

Jianpan WANG


Friendly Links:

HPM 2020: Satellite Meeting of ICME-14

IASE 2020 Roundtable Conference

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[Profs Mat:9068] Fwd: SAD NEWS: Gerard Vergnaud

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De: Becker, Jerry P <>
Date: ter., 8 de jun. de 2021 às 17:06
Subject: SAD NEWS: Gerard Vergnaud
To: <>

FYI  --

From: David W Carraher <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 6:51 AM
To: Becker, Jerry P <>
Cc: pierre rabardel <>; "Analúcia D. Schliemann" <>
Subject: The passing of Gerard Vergnaud

The following note was written  by Gerard Vergnaud's colleagues at Paris 8 and shared today by Pierre Rebardel (  Would you kindly make it available to others?

David Carraher,
Andover, MA USA


C'est avec une immense tristesse que nous apprenons le décès de Gérard Vergnaud, survenu à Paris le 6 juin 2021.
Gérard Vergnaud, né en 1933 à Doué-La-Fontaine, en France, était Directeur de recherche émérite au CNRS. Il a rejoint l'Université Paris 8 après 1996 dans une équipe mixte de recherche en psychologie dirigée par Jean-François Richard, après avoir été membre du Laboratoire de psychologie du développement à l'Université Paris 5 où il a piloté le groupement de recherche sur la didactique des mathématiques. Disciple de Jean Piaget, Gérard Vergnaud a dégagé dans son œuvre les phases naturelles de l'apprentissage scolaire et les acquis de l'expérience au long du développement de l'enfant.
A l'Université Paris 8, il a poursuivi ses travaux dans le laboratoire cognition et activités finalisées pour l'essentiel en didactique, avec une dominante mathématique qui était son cœur de ses recherches depuis des années et il s'est intéressé de plus en plus au développement des compétences et aux apprentissages dans le travail chez les adultes. Il a ainsi, avec Renan Samurçay, Pierre Pastré et Pierre Rabardel, contribué à l'émergence de la didactique professionnelle. A sa fondation, il a rejoint l'équipe d'ergonomie C3U du laboratoire Paragraphe. Outre les aspects thématiques qui le rapprochait de plusieurs membres de l'équipe qui menaient des travaux en didactiques des mathématiques (dont Renan Samurçay et Janine Rogalski), l'accord profond avec les orientations des chercheurs de l'équipe en ergonomie et psychologie était lié, au plan méthodologique, à la question du recours au terrain et à l'analyse des activités complexes en situation naturelle, et au plan théorique à la perspective développementale croisant les apports du courant de recherche piagétien avec ceux de l'approche historico-culturelle de la psychologie soviétique et l'approche de Lev Vygotsky. S'appuyant sur l'analyse de l'activité, et ses articulations entre l'action et la pensée, il a développé la « théorie des champs conceptuels », afin de rendre compte des processus par lesquels se développe l'organisation de la connaissance et des compétences.
Gérard Vergnaud était aussi un homme d'engagements militants. Membre élu des instances scientifiques dirigeantes du CNRS, il a contribué à animer le mouvement  syndical dans la recherche scientifique, notamment au SNCS dont il a été un des dirigeants nationaux.
Gérard Vergnaud a noué des relations nombreuses avec des chercheurs et instituts de recherche en Europe (Italie, Suisse), Amérique du Nord et du Sud (Etats-Unis, Brésil, Chili), Asie de l'Est (Corée du Sud). Il est docteur Honoris Causa de l'Université de Genève (1995), de l'Université du Centre de l'Etat de Buenos Aires (2011), membre de l'Académie Internationale des Sciences Psychologiques de Russie. 
Chercheur engagé dans la formation doctorale, Gérard Vergnaud a dirigé plus de 80 thèses en 25 ans, accompagnant des chemins singuliers de doctorants et doctorantes qui n'avaient pas tous une vocation à devenir des chercheurs mais partageaient le goût de construire une science pour agir avec les autres. Des ailes leur furent données. 
Avec la disparition de Gérard Vergnaud, la communauté scientifique perd un très grand chercheur et un homme d'exception, qui a marqué tous ceux et celles qui l'ont rencontré, de par sa grande humanité.


Below is an English-language rendering of the text:


It is with great sadness that we learn of the death of Gérard Vergnaud, in Paris on June 6, 2021.
Gérard Vergnaud, born in 1933 in Doué-La-Fontaine, France, was Director of Research Emeritus at the CNRS. He joined the University of Paris 8 after 1996 in a mixed psychology research team led by Jean-François Richard, after having been a member of the Laboratory of Developmental Psychology at the University of Paris 5 where he led the research group on the didactics of mathematics. A disciple of Jean Piaget, Gérard Vergnaud in his work identified the natural phases of school learning and the experience acquired throughout the development of the child.
At the University of Paris 8, he continued his work in the cognition laboratory and activities mainly focused on didactics, with a dominant mathematics which had been his heart of his research for years and he was increasingly interested skills development and work learning for adults. He thus, with Renan Samurçay, Pierre Pastré and Pierre Rabardel, contributed to the emergence of professional didactics. When it was founded, he joined the C3U ergonomics team at the Paragraphe laboratory. In addition to the thematic aspects which brought him closer to several members of the team who carried out work in mathematics didactics (including Renan Samurçay and Janine Rogalski), the deep agreement with the orientations of the team's researchers in ergonomics and psychology was linked , at the methodological level, to the question of recourse to the field and to the analysis of complex activities in a natural situation, and at the theoretical level to the developmental perspective, crossing the contributions of the Piagetian research current with those of the historico-cultural approach of Soviet psychology and Lev Vygotsky's approach. Relying on the analysis of activity, and its articulations between action and thought, he developed the "theory of conceptual fields", in order to account for the processes by which the organization of knowledge develops. and skills.
Gérard Vergnaud was also a man of activist commitments. An elected member of the scientific governing bodies of the CNRS, he helped to animate the trade union movement in scientific research, in particular at the SNCS, of which he was one of the national leaders.
Gérard Vergnaud has established numerous relationships with researchers and research institutes in Europe (Italy, Switzerland), North and South America (United States, Brazil, Chile), East Asia (South Korea). He is Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Geneva (1995), Central State University of Buenos Aires (2011), member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences of Russia.
A researcher committed to doctoral training, Gérard Vergnaud has directed more than 80 theses in 25 years, accompanying the unique paths of doctoral students who did not all have a vocation to become researchers but shared the desire to build a science to act with others. Wings were given to them.
With the death of Gérard Vergnaud, the scientific community is losing a very great researcher and an exceptional man, who marked all those who met him, with his great humanity.

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[Profs Mat:9066] 12ª Semana de Licenciatura em Matemática do IFG

Prezados, a 12ª Semana de Licenciatura em Matemática está se aproximando, ela acontecerá entre os dias 14 e 18 desse mês, já são mais de duas mil pessoas inscritas, o evento ocorrerá de forma totalmente online, e é gratuita e com certificação.

As inscrições podem ser feitas em, nesse site você pode encontrar todas as informações do evento.

14 de junho

19h - Palestra de Abertura

Cálculo Diferencial e Integral: Novas Metodologias de Ensino-aprendizagem envolvendo Tecnologias

 Diva Marília Flemming (UFSC) 


15 de junho

13h - Mesa Redonda

PIBID e PRP na formação inicial de professores de Matemática: Expectativas e desafios 

Mediador: Glen Cézar Lemos (IFG) – Professor Dr. Aposentado
Professores convidados supervisores do PIBID: Alex silva pereira (CEPI Chico Mendes- Goiânia); Luis Fernando Ferreira Machado (IFG- Câmpus Valparaíso); Professores convidados preceptores Residência Pedagógica: Ricardo Cardoso de Paula (CEPI José Honorato); Ronaldo Caetano de Mendonça Junior (Colégio Estadual Jardim Balneário Meia Ponte). 

16h - Palestra 

A estatística e o mercado de seguros

Jurandir Prazeres Filho (Consultor na Liberty Seguros) 

19h - Palestra 

GeoGebra e Cultura Maker: entre Projetos Digitais e Físicos
Diego Lieban (IFRS) 

16 de junho

13h - Palestra
Uma abordagem histórica da presença do infinito na matemática escolar 

Tercio Girelli Kill (UFES) 

16h - Palestra

Os games como abertura para processos de ensino e aprendizagem em matemática 

Cristiano Tonéis (FIAP)

19h - Palestra 

Produções de Vídeos em Orientações de Estágio Supervisionado e na Residência Pedagógica: Vivências na Licenciatura em Matemática da UEG Campus Morrinhos 

Maria Francisca da Cunha (UEG) e Luciano Feliciano de Lima (UEG) 

17 de junho

13h - Palestra 

Formação, pesquisa e prática docente: desafios e possibilidades no processo de ensino e aprendizagem da Matemática 

Luciana Nunes Fonseca (IFG), André Luiz Araújo Cunha (IF Goiano) e Priscila Branquinho Xavier (IFG) 

16h - Palestra 

Inteligência artificial: aplicações e oportunidades 

Cristiano Torezzan (Unicamp) 


19h - Palestra 

Desenhando as Curvas da Bosta com TikZ/LaTeX
Ole Peter Smith (UFG) 


18 de junho

13h - Palestra

Satélites: Conhecendo a História e desafios atuais 

Gerline Lima (INPE) 

16h - Palestra 

A fórmula do cubo mágico 

Juliana Moreno 

19h - Mesa de Encerramento com Egressos

Formei! E agora? Atuação dos egressos após a Licenciatura em Matemática 

Ana Paula Melo, Kariny Dirino, Pedro Itallo Vaz e Ewerson Tavares 

Esperamos que gostem do nosso evento! 

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Fwd: Contribuição do método das 28 palavras páginas de 31 a 40 miniaturizadas para tarefas duplas.

Contribuição do método das 28 palavras páginas de 31 a 40 miniaturizadas para tarefas duplas.

A autora da Cartilha é Yolanda Betim Paes Kruel .
Método adaptado pelas professoras Maria Izabel Luiz e Susana Felix  e reorganizado por Nancy Borges , em tarefas duplas miniaturizadas, prontas para imprimir,
A primeira palavra está na página 7. 
A criança não precisa saber o alfabeto. Só as vogais. Porque vão trabalhar com sílabas , as quais chamo de pedacinhos.
  Nancy Borges   
N.B. Dentro da pasta com o nome 28 palavras , coloque outra pasta escrita de 31 a 40 e copie  para ela estas páginas. Para formar o livro.


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