>X-Original-To: mborba@rc.unesp.br
>Delivered-To: mborba@rc.unesp.br
>Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 16:51:09 +0200
>To: mborba@rc.unesp.br
>From: CADGME 2014 <cadgme2014@conftool.net>
>Reply-To: cadgme2014@cermat.org
>Subject: CADGME 2014 - Schedule available, Hotels and Registration
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>Dear Marcelo C. Borba,
>July has come and it is now less than 3 months until CADGME 2014. On our
>webpage you now find the conference schedule. We are very happy to offer a
>very interesting and dense program thanks to your contributions! It is now
>public at https://www.conftool.net/cadgme2014/sessions.php .
>Also on the website you find a poster that you can use to publicize our event
>further, see http://cadgme2014.cermat.org/news/cadgme-poster .
>Let me take the opportunity to make some further remarks:
>(1) Poster submission is still possible. Poster presenters have the
>opportunity to submit a full paper for the conference proceedings later. So if
>you or your colleague missed the deadline you still can participate and
>show your research.
>(2) Posters will be on display at the conference site, and we will also have
>the opportunity for software and hardware publishers to show their products.
>(3) If you need a hotel, please have a look at the website at
>http://cadgme2014.cermat.org/location/map and remember to book early enough.
>We blocked some rooms until the end of July, after that you might have
>difficulties in finding accommodation.
>(4) If you are not registered as a participant yet, please do so if you want
>to come. It is not sufficient to register as a User in Conftool only.
>(5) If you want to present, it is mandatory to register at least one author as
>a participant, otherwise we will have to cancel your presentation (there is a
>waiting list for some late submissions). Please check this until the end of
>the week.
>(6) If you are registered as a participant and did not pay yet, please either
>contact us directly if you cannot pay by money transfer, or pay until the end
>of the week. We will cancel participants and you have to re-register in case
>you want to attend the conference. In that case, you will no longer keep the
>early bird advantage.
>Our next information will be in August to participants only, when we will
>announce the available excursions.
>We are looking forward to welcome you in September for a wonderful conference!
>Ulli, Csaba and Zsolt
>CADGME 2014: Fifth Central- and Eastern European Conference
>on Computer Algebra- and Dynamic Geometry Systems
>in Mathematics Education
Marcelo C. Borba
GPIMEM - Grupo de Pesquisa em Informática, Outras Mídias e Educação Matemática
Facebook: Marcelo Borba
twitter: @gpimem
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[Profs Mat:7806] Fwd: CADGME 2014 - Schedule available, Hotels and Registration
08:02 |
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