[Profs Mat:8104] Convite - Palestras Profa. Elena Nardi e Irene Biza

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Convidamos a todos para participar de duas palestras que serão proferidas pelas Profas. Dras. Elena Nardi e Irene Biza (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK), dentro do Projeto "Challenging ableism perspectives in mathematical learning in Brazil and the UK".

As palestras serão proferidas às 13:30 do dia 26/03 e 11:00 do dia 27/03, respectivamente, conforme títulos e resumos abaixo​:

Thursday 26 March 2015
Balancing classroom management with mathematical learning: 
Using practice-based task design in mathematics teacher education
Irene Biza and Elena Nardi
University of East Anglia
Norwich, UK
Our research programme examines teachers' priorities when they make decisions in the secondary mathematics classroom. We use practice-based and research-informed tasks in which we invite teachers to consider a mathematical problem and typical student responses to the problem. Tasks are in the format of fictional classroom situations. We collect written responses to the tasks and conduct follow-up interviews. Recently we started using these tasks in a mathematics teachers training programme based in our institution (Postgraduate Certificate in Education course in Mathematics). The tasks we will discuss in this seminar aim to elicit perspectives on a key issue drawn on mathematical teaching practice: classroom management often interferes with commendable learning objectives. In this seminar we will engage participants with tasks of this type and then we will present outcomes of the implementation of these tasks in mathematics teachers' training. The strand of our research presented in this seminar is carried out in collaboration with Gareth Joel.
Friday 27 March 2015
Mathematics and Mathematics Education:
A story of paths just crossing or of meeting at a vanishing point?
Elena Nardi
University of East Anglia
Norwich, UK
In this seminar I will draw on my experiences of collaborating with mathematicians in order to tell a story of paths crossing – of mathematicians and mathematics educators intersecting at various points in research, teaching, professional development and engagement activities. In this story I position myself as a (non-research) mathematician who chose to become a researcher in mathematics education and has been involved in collaborative research, teaching, professional development and engagement activity with mathematicians for more than 20 years. The story has three parts.
First (Part I) I trace the relationship between mathematicians and mathematics educators in research and I offer a potted account of issues that have been helping this relationship grow, grow at a not-always satisfactory pace or occasionally stall.
Then (Part II) I offer examples of initiatives that have been propelling the deepening of this relationship, from research, teaching and professional development.
Subsequently (Part III) I offer examples of initiatives where the two communities have been working together towards the strengthening of another, very crucial, relationship: that of the public with mathematics. The examples I draw on are from teaching (mathematics or about mathematics to non-mathematics students) and engagement (activities that aim to draw non-mathematical audiences into the world of mathematics and into considering the possibility of mathematical studies).
The seminar will close with thoughts about how this story of mathematicians and mathematics educators intersecting at various points in research, teaching, professional development and engagement activities can be re-imagined not merely as a story of paths crossing – but as a story of paths meeting at a vanishing point, a point where the boundaries between the two communities have faded into insignificance and receded.

Ambas são gratuitas e não é necessário solicitar inscrição.

Contamos com a presença de todos.


Guilherme Menezes
Pós-Graduação - Educação Matemática
(11) 2967-9119

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