[Profs Mat:8108] Lisbon_Conference_Turning data into knowledge

Dear colleagues

We remind you that the 30th of March is the deadline for proposals submission for the conference Turning data into knowledge: new opportunities for statistics education.
Up to the moment few proposals have been received.
We have updated information concerning the programme in the website: http://www.statisteduc.ie.ulisboa.pt
Please, disseminate the newsletter for the Conference among possible interested people.
Thank you.
Best regards.

Hélia Oliveira and João Pedro da Ponte





Proposals submission (with pre-registration): March 30, 2015

Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2015

Final submission: May 20, 2015

Regular registration fee: May 8, 2015


The International Conference includes different types of sessions:

- Two plenary talks:

  • "The uses of statistical literacy", by Janet Ainley (Univ. Leicester, UK)
  • "The challenge of developing students' statistical reasoning", by Dani Ben-Zvi (Univ. Haifa, Israel)

- Thematic Keynote Addresses on the two strands of the Conference

- Plenary discussion panel "Statistics education: Issues and perspectives", moderated by João Pedro da Ponte (Univ. Lisbon, Portugal)

- Research papers, short oral communications, and posters

Visit the conference website: www.statisteduc.ie.ulisboa.pt

E-mail: statisteduc@ie.ulisboa.pt

Institute of Education, University of Lisbon​

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