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From: Jerry Becker <jbecker@siu.edu>
Date: 2015-10-07 19:14 GMT-03:00
Subject: ICME 13, TSG 6 on Adult learning of maths.- lifelong learning
To: JERRY-P-BECKER-INT-L@listserv.siu.edu
Pradeep Kumar Misra (India) pradeepkmisra@yahoo.com
Terry Maguire (Ireland)
IPC Liaison person:
* The global venues for lifelong learning of mathematics with discussion of the overlap of content and innovative instruction
* Theoretical frameworks that inform research in lifelong learning of mathematics
* Sound instruction that supports the growth of teachers as mathematicians and role models for adult mathematics students.
* Adult education in mathematics in different countries
From: Jerry Becker <jbecker@siu.edu>
Date: 2015-10-07 19:14 GMT-03:00
Subject: ICME 13, TSG 6 on Adult learning of maths.- lifelong learning
To: JERRY-P-BECKER-INT-L@listserv.siu.edu
Sent at the request of Juergen Maaß.
See Attachment for details of this TSG
A Topic Study Group (TSG) is designed to gather a group of congress participants who are interested in a particular topic in mathematics education. TSG 6 brings together those who are interested in Adult learning of mathematics - lifelong learning.
Pradeep Kumar Misra (India) pradeepkmisra@yahoo.com
Jürgen Maaß (Austria) juergen.maasz@jku.at
Team members:
Terry Maguire (Ireland)
Katherine Safford-Ramus (USA)
Wolfgang Schlöglmann (Austria)
Evelyn Süss-Stepancik (Austria)
IPC Liaison person:
Mellony Graven (South Africa)
TSG 6 will be of particular benefit to Congress participants who are interested in presentations and discussions of important new trends and developments in research and practice in adult mathematics education. The Study Group encompasses all mathematics and numeracy education undertaken by adults for the purposes of personal, social, political or economic development, and as a course of study in its own right, or in support of learning another subject, developing a skill or furthering an activity. 'Adult' is interpreted as referring to people who start, resume or continue their education in formal, informal or non-formal settings, beyond the normal age of schooling in their societies.
There will be oral talks, poster sessions, workshops with hands-on sessions, group discussions and other enjoyable activities with a focus on specified areas and questions across four core themes:
* The global venues for lifelong learning of mathematics with discussion of the overlap of content and innovative instruction
* Theoretical frameworks that inform research in lifelong learning of mathematics
* Sound instruction that supports the growth of teachers as mathematicians and role models for adult mathematics students.
* Adult education in mathematics in different countries
more ... see attachment.
Jerry P. Becker
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
College of Education and Human Services
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
625 Wham Drive / MC 4610
Carbondale, Illinois 62901
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
College of Education and Human Services
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
625 Wham Drive / MC 4610
Carbondale, Illinois 62901
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