[Profs Mat:8435] Fwd: Holding Pearson Accountable ...

Vejam só em que nível de criticidade está o debate nos estados unidos sobre a indústria de testes, problema que assola nossa educação também. 

É necessário localizar o lugar dos testes, e não pensá-los de forma acrítica. 

abraços reflexivos. 
marcelo c. borba
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jerry Becker <jbecker@siu.edu>
Date: 2016-04-20 14:12 GMT-03:00
Subject: Holding Pearson Accountable ...
To: JERRY-P-BECKER-BIGB-L@listserv.siu.edu

From Randi Weingarten, American Federation of Teachers [AFT] President, Sunday, April 17, 2016.
PETITION: Public education over corporate profits

We need your help to hold Pearson accountable.

Pearson is the largest testing, publishing and education corporation in the world, and we think they've got a bad business model that supports high-stakes decisions based on test scores. This year, we're taking the fight into the boardroom.

Send Pearson a letter in support of our shareholder resolution, and demand it come up with a business plan that supports public education for every child. -- go to https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-pearson-every-child-has-a-right-to-a-free-high-quality-public-education?link_id=0&can_id=bb4a52424017eee767066aff1cf5263f&source=email-petition-public-education-over-corporate-profits-2&email_referrer=petition-public-education-over-corporate-profits-2&email_subject=petition-public-education-over-corporate-profits

For the last three years, we've worked to uncover Pearson's bad business model and expose the ways we believe it puts profits ahead of public education. In 2016, we're taking the fight inside the corporation to push for change.

A group of 100 major international pension funds, labor unions and concerned shareholders-the "Pearson 100"-have joined together to tell Pearson to end its high-stakes testing fixation and its support for the privatization and segregation of schools in the developing world.

Add your voice: Send a letter to Pearson's board and tell them it's time to change course.  -- go to https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-pearson-every-child-has-a-right-to-a-free-high-quality-public-education?link_id=1&can_id=bb4a52424017eee767066aff1cf5263f&source=email-petition-public-education-over-corporate-profits-2&email_referrer=petition-public-education-over-corporate-profits-2&email_subject=petition-public-education-over-corporate-profits

Pearson's strategy isn't working for public education-or for its own investors. Pearson puts "gag clauses" in school contracts and has been caught monitoring kids' social media to stop testing leaks. In Africa and Asia, Pearson is plowing millions into private schools to create new markets for its products.

Parents and students have had enough. They're opting out of Pearson tests and letting governments know that Pearson isn't welcome.

Send a letter and add your voice to the movement to stop Pearson's harmful business strategies and affirm every child's right to a free, high-quality public education. -- go to https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-pearson-every-child-has-a-right-to-a-free-high-quality-public-education?link_id=2&can_id=bb4a52424017eee767066aff1cf5263f&source=email-petition-public-education-over-corporate-profits-2&email_referrer=petition-public-education-over-corporate-profits-2&email_subject=petition-public-education-over-corporate-profits

As the world's biggest education conglomerate doubles down on its failed strategies, the Pearson 100 has filed a shareholder resolution that will be debated on the floor of Pearson's annual general meeting on April 29 in London.

We need voices from around the world to speak up alongside us and tell Pearson it's time to change course.

In unity,

Randi Weingarten
AFT President
Jerry P. Becker
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
College of Education and Human Services
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
625 Wham Drive  /  MC 4610
Carbondale, Illinois  62901

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