[Profs Mat:9002] Fwd: Thank You and Additional Resources

Eis uma mini biblioteca virtual sobre pensamento computacional, com alguns dos maiores especialistas sobre o tema de todos os lugares do mundo. 
boas audições, 
marcelo c. borba


NOVO MAIL PARA MARCELO C. BORBA    marcelo.c.borba@unesp.br

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Sarah Gannon <sg10xv@brocku.ca>
Date: dom., 6 de set. de 2020 às 12:39
Subject: Thank You and Additional Resources

Dear Participant,

Thank you for your participation in the Online Seminar Series on Programming in Mathematics Education!  We are pleased that you were one of the 274 participants from around the globe.  Your contributions and questions allowed for many rich discussions and helped enhance our seminar series.

Recordings of all six seminars in the series are now available on our website (http://mkn-rcm.ca/online-seminar-series-on-programming-in-mathematics-education/).  You will also find many additional resources from our speakers for teachers and researchers, including links to online programs, modules and tasks for classroom implementation, and related research papers. 

We are now in the process of preparing the seminar proceedings, which will be posted on our website later this year.  I will be in contact with you once the proceedings are complete!

Please let me know if you have any further comments or questions!


Sarah on behalf of the Online Seminar Series on Programming in Mathematics Education organizers

Sarah Gannon, B.A., B.Ed.

M.Ed. Candidate

Faculty of Education, Brock University

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